The week of July 24-28, 32 high school students and five college students completed the Wayne County Summer Youth Employment Program and were awarded certificates during a luncheon at The Maxwell Center.… read more »
The week of July 24-28, 32 high school students and five college students completed the Wayne County Summer Youth Employment Program and were awarded certificates during a luncheon at The Maxwell Center.… read more »
Ginger Moore, Wayne County human resources director, provided an update on the Wayne County Summer Youth Employment Program. Ginger thanked the program coordinator, Alicia Pierce, for taking the program and molding it for Wayne County. Our program participants were present for the meeting and each of them introduced themselves to the Commissioners. Commissioner Antonio Williams…… read more »
The Wayne County Board of Commissioners announced that the Wayne County Summer Youth Employment Program is open for applications for the summer of 2022. The program opens paid work opportunities for high school and college students to learn valuable skills in local government, financial literacy and workplace training. Participants will work across the County in…… read more »