Small Farm Unit to Host Demonstration and Field Day

Small Farm Unit to Host Demonstration and Field Day

The Center for Environmental Farming Systems is hosting a Small Farm Unit and Field Day on July 13, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. A light breakfast, snacks and a catered lunch are included.

Guests will learn about the Small Farm Unit’s work with specialty vegetable crops and experts will provide equipment demonstrations geared toward improving the efficiency of small farms.

The Small Farm Unit covers approximately 30 acres with a wide range of soil types, equipment, buildings, and educational focal points.

The function of the unit is to model a systems-based approach within a whole farm context. Embedded within the farm design are ongoing research projects in systems rotation and other production topics relevant to small farm stakeholders.

In a typical season, the Small Farm Unit produces up to 100 varieties of specialty fruits and vegetables targeted for niche markets and diverse consumers’ preferences. All farm produce is donated to local community organizations, food kitchens and shelters. Farm transplants are grown in a greenhouse including several specialty plants.

To register visit The Small Farm Unit is located at 400 Old Smithfield Road in Goldsboro.

CEFS is a partnership of North Carolina State University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, and the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

