Cures for the Colors Banquet Honors Cancer Survivors

Cures for the Colors Banquet Honors Cancer Survivors

The 7th annual Cures for the Colors Survivor Banquet, held on Saturday, June 24th at the Maxwell Center, was a resounding success as it brought together over 250 cancer survivors and their families for a morning of inspiration, support, and celebration.

The event, organized by Southeastern Cancer Care, was generously sponsored by Southeastern Medical Oncology Center (SMOC), reaffirming their commitment to the well-being and triumph of anyone impacted by cancer.

The banquet began with a welcome from Dr. Matthew Sochat, who asked everyone to pause for a moment of silence in remembrance of those who lost their battle with cancer before sharing a word of encouragement for those still fighting. Then, Pastor Bill Rose from First PH Church took the stage, delivering an inspiring message of hope and offering a heartfelt blessing for the meal that followed. During brunch, Steve Jones serenaded the attendees with his beautiful gospel music, which resonated deeply with survivors and their families, reminding them of the love of God in all circumstances. A highlight of the event was Kriquette Davis, a remarkable survivor who shared her personal journey, touching the hearts of all in attendance. Her story of courage and determination served as a testament to the unbeatable spirit that defines cancer survivors.

Emma Barnes, Community Development Coordinator with Southeastern Cancer Care, said, “It was such an honor to recognize those in our community who have battled cancer or are still fighting the disease. As Kriquette said, struggle brings greatness. There was so much greatness in that room; great love, great hope, great courage, great resilience, and determination. Everyone there had been through so much, whether they had personally fought cancer or stood with a loved one who had been diagnosed with cancer. No matter what their journey looked like, I hope all attendees left the event knowing just how much they were seen, loved, and supported.”

Southeastern Cancer Care (SCC) was founded in 2011 by the Southeastern Medical Oncology Center doctors. They saw firsthand the need to support cancer patients financially as they battled their diagnosis. SCC raises funds so that patients do not have to choose between treatment and basic living essentials.

Southeastern Cancer Care is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing gas gift cards and grocery gift cards, as well as, helping with utility bills and oncology prescriptions.

SCC is proud to say that 100% of the funds raised go directly into the pockets of cancer patients and their families. Southeastern Cancer Care runs solely off monetary donations and our volunteers’ time and resources.

