On January 26, 2023, the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office DWI Task Force conducted a “High Visibility
Engagement” within the city limits of Goldsboro.
Partnering with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services/FTA Branch, the BAT
Mobile was set up in the Eastgate Shopping Center parking lot with all emergency equipment activated.
This area was chosen because of the high traffic volume and 29 DWI arrests near the intersection of Ash
St and Berkeley Blvd within the last ten days.
Law enforcement officers saturated this area from 10 pm to 3 am stopping vehicles for traffic violations
and issuing citations if applicable. The BAT Mobile provided a mobile processing station for impaired
drivers and was also utilized as an educational event with the help of the DHHS/FTA branch State
Coordinator Mr. B. Varnell, who spoke to numerous individuals advising them of the dangers of impaired
driving and listening to one father’s testimony about losing his daughter to an impaired driver in 2015.
The following Agencies Participated in this event, and stats are listed below.
Wayne County Sheriff’s Office
Pikeville Police Department
North Carolina State Highway Patrol
Goldsboro Police Department
8 Impaired Drivers Arrested
3 Reckless Driving to Endanger
7 Speeding citations
5 Driving While License Revoked
1 No Operators License
1 Open Container
7 Expired Vehicle Registrations
2 Insurance Violations
11 Other Traffic Violations
2 Felony Drug Arrest
1 Firearm Seized
2 Drug Citations
4 Warrants Served
21 warning citations were issued