This years Shop with a Cop was a success.
The Goldsboro Police Department held its 5th annual “Shop with a Cop” on December 17, 2022, at the Walmart Goldsboro. The event was made possible from grants received from the Wayne County Walmart stores; US Highway 70 W in Rosewood, Elroy, Goldsboro, and Tommy’s Road.
The Shop with a Cop program assists families in need while building trust between the children and officers.
The day began with McDonald’s on Hwy 70 West, owned by Gunter Enterprises, Inc. in Raleigh, N.C. donating breakfast for the children and officers participating in the event.
After shopping and ringing up their presents, the children were able to wrap their presents at the wrapping station that Walmart had set up for them. It was awesome to see the kids so excited to buy some presents for themselves and their families.
It was a very special time for the officers and everyone who volunteered for this event and to see the joy this event gave to so many people.