NC Freedom Fest will be back in 2023 with a new date of Saturday, September 9th, 2023.
This first weekend following Labor Day Weekend will be the permanent date for all NC
Freedom Fest’s to come! Originally, NC Freedom Fest began with the intent of focusing our event
around Military Appreciation Day, but we recognize that we can still celebrate our Military and First
Responders dedication to our community, state, and country beyond the 3rd weekend in May.
Despite our new date, in the third year of the event, you can expect much of the same fun from the
past 2 years!
The 2023 festival will once again take place in beautiful Downtown Goldsboro and will continue to
offer something for everyone to enjoy! You can expect to see our Car & Bike Show, courtesy of
Wayne County Cruisers and Wood Cycles, the Free Kids Zone & Activities, Static Displays, Military
Appreciation Awards, Street Vendors, Food & Beverage options galore, and more! Details on our
entertainment acts to come later.
Since our most recent festival earlier this year, we have been honored with the Department of
Defense, Spirit of Hope Award. The Spirit of Hope Award is given to recipients who have
demonstrated a commitment to significantly enhancing the quality of life of service members and
their families serving around the world. It is a Presidential honor awarded once per year to each
branch of service, and we are proud to say that the US Air Force chose NCFF and our President,
Doug McGrath, for 2022! This prestigious award demonstrates that our “One Community” approach,
coupled with amazing volunteers, partners and sponsors is visible on a national level.
Our Festival is fully-funded by the generosity of our sponsors and could not happen without the
support of local businesses, volunteers, and our community. If you are interested in being a part of
the festival in any capacity, please contact us at the address below for more information!
We look forward to bringing another great event to Goldsboro this year and hope you will join us
Downtown on Saturday, September 9th, 2023!