Households in Wayne County containing a person aged 60 or more, or someone receiving disability benefits and services through the NC Division of Aging and Adult Services can apply for help covering the cost of heating their homes now through Friday, Dec. 30, 2022. All other households can apply from Monday Jan. 1, 2023 through Tuesday, March 31, 2023 or until funds are exhausted.
The federally funded Low-Income Energy Assistance Program provides eligible households with a one-time payment to their heating vendor to offset the high cost of heating during the cold-weather months. Depending on the household’s primary heating source, the payment will be $300, $400 or $500.
To be eligible, a person must:
· Have at least one U.S. citizen or non-citizen who meets eligibility criteria
· Have income equal to or less than 130 percent of the federal poverty limit, such as:
· Have resources, such as saving and checking accounts, cash on hand, at or below $2,250
· Be responsible for their heating cost
Wayne County households who want to apply for energy assistance can do so in person at: Wayne County Department of Social Services on 100 S. James Street Mon- Fri, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Applications are available for pick up at this location as well as on the county website and may be placed in the Drop Box on James Street. Applications may also be submitted online at
Wayne County Department of Social Services will be accepting applications from households with a person aged 60 or more, or someone receiving benefits from the NC Division of Aging and Adult Services now through Friday, Dec. 30, 2022, with the exception of December 23rd, 26th, and 27th when Wayne County Department of Social Services will be closed. All other households may apply from Monday Jan. 2, 2023 through Friday, March 31, 2023 or until funds are exhausted.
For more information on the Low-Income Energy Assistance program, go to