Dr. Patricia A. “Patty” Pfeiffer has been officially installed as the as the seventh president (ninth executive) of Wayne Community College. Thursday’s inauguration ceremony brought together WCC faculty, staff, and students with local community leaders and representatives from colleges and universities from across the state to see her accept the mantle of her office.
Pfeiffer began her career at Wayne Community College in November 1994 as a nursing instructor. She rose to Nursing Department chair, dean of the Allied Health and Public Services Division, chief of staff and vice president of institutional effectiveness, then vice president of academic and student services.
Before attending college, Pfeiffer served in the United States Army as a parachute rigger and airborne paratrooper for six years. Her first duty station was Fort Lewis, Washington where she supported the 2nd and 75th Infantry Ranger Battalion. In addition, she was stationed in Taegu, Korea, and Fort Bragg, NC.
Pfeiffer earned her doctorate in higher education and adult learning from Walden University. She also holds a master’s degree in administration from Central Michigan University, a master’s degree in nursing education from East Carolina University, a bachelor’s degree in nursing from East Carolina University, and an associate degree in nursing from Wayne Community College.