The ongoing widening of North William Street will require a monthlong detour for drivers headed south onto U.S. 117.
The detour tentatively will start Saturday. With rain in Saturday’s forecast, however, the N.C. Department of Transportation contractor may push back the closure and detour to start Sunday or Monday, when it’s dry again.
When the detour begins, drivers on North William Street will not be allowed to continue south onto U.S. 117 where those two roads converge at Patetown Road.
The contractor needs to temporarily close a portion of that intersection in order to reconfigure it for the widening of North William Street.
The detour is expected to end Oct. 31. The detour will direct southbound drivers on North William Street to use U.S. 70 West to reach U.S. 117. Northbound traffic on U.S. 117 will not be affected, and will be able to turn left onto North William Street to continue going north.
Drivers should factor the detour into their commutes, slow down and be alert for crews and equipment in the work zone.
The widening project began in 2020 and is on schedule to be completed by the fall of 2023.