There is still time to give your reaction to your favorite pieces of art for Downtown Goldsboro. The Public Art Steering Committee is asking you, the public, to provide your responses to the inventory shown below. This is not a voting process but we do wish to hear your reactions to the pieces to help us understand which pieces might work best for downtown Goldsboro at this time, in your opinion.
We invite you to participate via the comment opportunities provided under each piece until Friday, August 5 at 11:59 p.m., at which time we will retrieve all the comments provided on the City’s website, compile them and prepare them for the PASC’s review. The PASC will take these comments and feedback into consideration and narrow the shortlist to nine pieces and present those in the form of a recommendation for the City Council’s consideration and ultimate decision of four at their August 15, 2022, Council Work Session meeting.
The chosen pieces will be installed on October 14, 2022, with an Art Installation Ceremony at noon. Come join us to learn more about the selected art pieces and meet the artists.