(GDN) — On December 18, A group of parents and grandparents showed up at Byrd Assembly Hall in Mount Olive to watch the “Step Into Christmas Variety Show” hosted by the Classic Moments in Time Productions & Desiree Autrey’s Academy of Performing Arts of Pikeville. With the lights dimmed and the public in a relaxed mood, the show began with Step into Christmas by Chloe Smothers, followed by an assortment of Kinderdances and other performers throughout the evening. The dancers performed 20 Christmas Musical songs during the show. Miss Goldsboro Taylor Stovall and Teen Miss Goldsboro Madelyn Evans both were at the show. At the end of the show, Desiree Autrey came on stage and awarded trophies to the performing dancers that were able to go to Disney World and perform in the Christmas Parade. It was a big honor for the performers.