During Tuesday’s public comment session, Register of Deeds Constance Coram came before the Wayne County Board of Commissioners to address some of the perceived shortcomings in her office during recent months.
Coram noted three members of the Register of Deeds staff resigned before she took office.
She also says the office suffered through two COVID-related shutdowns.
However, Coram says the Register of Deeds office, as of June 21st, has generated $1.8 million, over $400,000 more than last year.
However, since this was the public comment session, Coram, like any other member of the public, was only allotted three minutes to speak.
When she tried to go over that time, that’s when she was asked to step away from the podium.
County Board Chair Wayne Aycock pounded his gavel and declared Coram was “out of order.”
When Coram would not relinquish the microphone, the sheriff and a deputy were called up to remove her.
It was noted that, as an elected official, Coram may ask to be added to an upcoming meeting agenda to give her more time to address the county commissioners.