After a break in publication last spring, Wayne County Public Schools is excited to announce that its annual Wayne Collection is now online at This year, the digital collection will highlight student artwork and written work from both the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years.
“We are delighted to release the latest edition of the Wayne Collection,” states Christy White, WCPS Title IV Enrichment Facilitator. “We were determined not to let the pandemic keep us down, and are pleased to include outstanding examples of student works from the past two school years.”
Submissions are made up of student work selected by each school. Tracy Cox, the district’s Print and Copy Shop Specialist compiles each school’s digital submissions into the online gallery.
“We know the parents, families, and community will enjoy these works,” adds Ms. White. “This collection highlights our smallest kindergarteners, who spell as words sound to them and create simple sentences, all the way to our twelfth graders, who craft skillful works of art and express themselves with graceful and elegant language. Many, many thanks to our school level Wayne Collection representatives, our Visual Art teachers, our English Language Arts teachers, and Ms. Cox in the Print Shop for working diligently to help our students shine.”
The Wayne Collection was first produced in 1985 as a literary/art contest and magazine. The publication was designed to give students recognition in the areas of writing and art. Over time, the publication evolved from a contest into a broader compilation of student work selected by teachers at each school.
The original volumes of the Wayne Collection were coordinated by Patricia Hester, an Instructional Coordinator for Communication Skills. In the 1990’s Hope Meyerhoeffer, Director of English/Language Arts, took over the coordination of the publication and helped oversee it until 2015. In 2016, Kim Copeland, WCPS Director Specialist, took over the coordination of the Wayne Collection and was instrumental in leading the transition from a paper to online publication. In 2020, Christy White, WCPS Title IV Enrichment Facilitator, took over the coordination of the Wayne Collection.