Goldsboro Plans Spring Litter Cleanup

Goldsboro Plans Spring Litter Cleanup

While statewide litter cleanup efforts get underway this weekend, there’s a push to spruce up the City of Goldsboro.

At this week’s Goldsboro City Council meeting, City Manager Tim Salmon said the city will hold its Spring Litter Sweep on April 17th.

Councilman David Ham noted litter cleanup is important for the entire community.

Ham says the want Goldsboro looking its best when new families and airmen arrive in town.

To take part in Goldsboro’s litter cleanup, call 919-580-4313 by April 12th to volunteer or sign up your team.

Meanwhile, North Carolinians who wish to help keep roads clean can volunteer for the upcoming Spring Litter Sweep being held from April 10-24.

