Wayne UNC President Urges Everyone To Get Vaccinated

Wayne UNC President Urges Everyone To Get Vaccinated

There are options for getting your COVID vaccine locally.

Operation Unite Goldsboro held its Spring Community Roundtable in a virtual format Thursday evening.  Wayne UNC Health Care President and CEO Dr. Jessie Tucker, III was one of the presenters.

When talking about the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Tucker reminded that we’re not out of the woods yet.

He says some COVID patients have experienced damaged to their heart, lung brain, liver and kidneys, and that’s patients that haven’t even had significant symptoms of the virus.

Dr. Jessie L. Tucker III

Dr. Tucker strongly encouraged everyone to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Tucker shared some of the latest local COVID trends and says many of the persons are found to be infected when they come in to the local hospital for other matters or procedures.

Dr. Tucker says Wayne UNC has plenty of vaccine, and the local hospital has given about 12,000 doses so far.

However, the number of vaccinations administered has slowed recently, and Tucker says that has made him a little nervous.

You can visit yourshot.org to learn about receiving the COVID-19 vaccine through Wayne UNC Health Care.

Vaccinations are available through Wayne UNC Health Care and Wayne County.

