WCPS Snapshot Reveals Student Difficulties During Remote Learning

WCPS Snapshot Reveals Student Difficulties During Remote Learning

According to preliminary data, remote learning is having an adverse effect on some students in Wayne County Public Schools.

During the last Wayne County Board of Education meeting, Title I Program Specialist Caroline Brown went through the failing grades for the first semester in grades 3 – 8.

Brown says those failing grades in 3 – 8 went up from 1,358 to 5,853 from 2019-2020 to this school year.

She says in math and ELA (English Language Arts), failing grades in 3 – 8 increased to approximately 20%.

You can view the entire report here.

While just a snapshot of the school systems, the update was given to help school board members understand how COVID-19 and hybrid face-to-face and remote learning have impacted students and academic success.

The Teaching & Learning Department noted that the report was incomplete and was a data snapshot.

The report did not reflect high school performance data, growth and learning information, and/or how data might compare to other school districts across the state.


