Governor Roy Cooper is extending North Carolina’s modified stay-at-home order.
Wednesday, Gov. Cooper announced the executive order would remain in place for an additional three weeks.
The modified stay-at-home order requires residents to stay home between the hours of 10 PM and 5 AM.
Gov. Cooper says residents are urged to not go places indoors where people aren’t wearing masks.
Additionally, North Carolina Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen outlined a new secretarial directive.
Dr. Cohen’s directive urges North Carolinians to stay home and only leave home for essential activities.
She also suggests not gathering with people you do not live with and always where a mask when leaving your home.
As of Wednesday, North Carolina had recorded 582,348 total laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19. 7,076 of those infections have resulted in death.
As of the latest information, 84 North Carolina counties are now listed in “Red” for critical spread of the coronavirus.
Wayne County remains in “Orange,” meaning substantial spread.