Pick Up Your Passport To Deliciousness!

Pick Up Your Passport To Deliciousness!

Passports for the United Way of Wayne County’s annual Taste of Wayne are now available for purchase.

Sherry Archibald, the Executive Director of United Way, appeared on Jeff Farrow’s Morning Show on Goldsboro’s Greatest Hits 1150 and 98.3 this week.

She says they had to find a new way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Taste of Wayne due to the pandemic.

So, Archibald says the Taste of Wayne Passports allow their holders to visit and save at the participating restaurants through the end of the year.

You can order your Taste of Wayne Passport for just $15 at the United Way of Wayne County’s website, UnitedWayne.org.

You can also call the United Way at 919-735-3591.

