City Reports Discharge Of Roughly 1 Million Gallons Of Wastewater

City Reports Discharge Of Roughly 1 Million Gallons Of Wastewater

The City of Goldsboro says it discovered a discharge of untreated wastewater from a failed section of the sewer force main located at 1100 U.S. 70 West and U.S. 117 South.  After assessing the area surrounding the discharge and lift station pump data, it is estimated that roughly 1 million gallons was discharged to surrounding low lying areas.  An upstream and downstream Fecal Coliform sample has been taken from nearby drainage ditches and we are awaiting results.

The NC Department of Environmental Quality has been notified.

General Statue 143–215.1C(b)(2) requires the owner or operator of any wastewater collection or treatment work to issue a press release in the event of an untreated wastewater discharge of 15,000 gallons or more to the surface waters of the State.

