There’s continued tension between Goldsboro’s mayor and a city council member.
The Goldsboro City Council approved the city’s new budget at the June 17th meeting, and at the very end of that meeting, Councilwoman Brandi Matthews was trying to speak as Mayor Chuck Allen adjourned the meeting.
Residents have spoken up at subsequent meetings and demanded Mayor Allen apologize to Councilwoman Matthews.
At this past Monday’s meeting, Matthews asked the council to hold Mayor Allen accountable for cutting her off and disrespecting her throughout the budget meeting.
Councilman Bill Broadaway said he did not think the mayor’s action was intentional.
Mayor Allen would not relent and says he gave Matthews a chance to speak after he adjourned the meeting.
An impromptu vote to censure Mayor Allen failed 4 -3 on Monday.
The controversial moment from the June 17th meeting can be viewed at the very end of the video below.