Wayne County is working toward doing away with WayneNET, the county’s non-emergency medical transport service.
During a public hearing last week, County Manager Craig Honeycutt explained the proposed change to the Wayne County Commissioners.
North State Medical Transport already provides overnight non-medical transport services for the county, but Honeycutt says the county will need additional capacity once WayneNET is closed.
Honeycutt says the goal is to have WayneNET shut down by September 1st.
Jeff White is the Chief Operations Officer with MedEx, the company being considered for covering the county’s additional non-emergency medical transportation services.
White says MedEx Medical Transport Service has been in business since 2010, and they have offices in counties including Pitt, Greene, Wilson, and Johnston.
The Wayne County Board of Commissioners still has to hold another public hearing on the proposed franchise for North State Investment Group, LLC (doing business as North State Medical Transport) and MedEx Medical Transport Services, Inc., to furnish non-emergency medical transport and other medical transport as needed.