As part of the district’s ongoing planning efforts for reopening, Wayne County Public Schools wants to hear from parents about their intentions for the fall. The district has rolled out a short but important survey which will let parents tell the school district if they intend to send their child to school if buildings are open or if their child will participate in remote learning if buildings remain closed.
“The survey will help the district have a better understanding of what parents plan to do if schools teach students in a physical classroom, remotely, or a combination of both,” states Marcia Manning, assistant superintendent for student services. “Parents of bus riders can also use the survey to make sure their child is assigned to a bus route before school begins in August.”
The survey is posted at and on Facebook/Twitter at @WayneCountyPS. The survey is also being translated into Spanish, French, and Haitian Creole. Parents, teachers/staff, community members, and the local media are encouraged to share the survey link to help more WCPS parents become aware of the survey so that they can participate.