Wayne County Changes To Service: Phase 1

Wayne County Changes To Service: Phase 1

As North Carolina enters Phase 1 of easing restrictions due to COVID-19, Wayne County will be reopening most offices to the public beginning Monday, May 11, 2020.

On Monday, Branches of the Wayne County Public Library will be opening with reduced capacity. The Peggy M. Seegars Senior Center will remain closed to protect our must vulnerable population. The Wayne County Court System operates independently of county government and residents should contact the Clerk of Superior Court’s office for questions regarding court schedules.

Although departments will be reopening, residents are still urged to conduct business via phone or email as much as possible. If you are visiting a department, the County asks you only bring those necessary for the visit to prevent large gatherings in waiting areas. Employees that are face-to-face with the public will be wearing a face covering, and the County asks our visitors to wear one as well. The Wayne County Facilities Department has installed partitions in areas to protect citizens and staff while conducting business. Cleaning, disinfectant fogging, and sanitizing is taking place across all County facilities and department staff will be sanitizing high-touch areas often. Additional hand sanitizer stations are being installed in our facilities and we encourage the public to take advantage of these while visiting.

Wayne County is committed to the health and safety of its employees and all residents, and will continue taking proactive steps to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

