WCPS Remote Learning Includes Sewing Machine Checkout

Tatiyana Grizzle uses a school sewing machine

WCPS Remote Learning Includes Sewing Machine Checkout

Spring Creek High sophomore Tatiyana Grizzle uses a school sewing machine

Remote learning has taken on a new look for some WCPS students taking high school Family Consumer Science Apparel II courses. Students who lack a sewing machine at home are now able to check out a sewing machine to complete their assignments. The courses are part of the district’s Career & Technical Education program. With WCPS CTE approval, Eastern Wayne High teacher Carolyn Wegman and Spring Creek High teacher Tasha Sneed have already checked a number of sewing machines to students wanting to take advantage of this opportunity.

Tatiyana Grizzle, a Spring Creek High sophomore, said she wanted to check out a sewing machine to complete her class projects at home and to be able to continue improving her sewing skills.

“Mostly I have fixed clothes for my family, like I fixed my little brother’s sleeping bag and his pants and shirts,” said Ms. Grizzle. “I’m also turning a dress into a cardigan for my mom. Most recent though, I have been working on a homemade facemask.”

Like digital devices that have been checked out by many students to aid in remote learning while buildings are closed, the sewing machines will be collected by schools at the end of the semester.

Spring Creek High sophomore Jahyra Perez-Velasquez picking up a sewing machine from her school.


