Thomas Woodard
“Always do your best at everything you do!”

Tommy Bauer
“When a bug hits a windshield he doesn’t have the guts to do that again” or ” What was the last thing that ran through that bugs head before he hit the windshield?” “What?” “His butt.”

Terry Grant
“Papa as he is known as has 2 girls, 1 boy and 2 step sons. He also has 6 grandchildren which he loves dearly. In 2014 he lost a daughter to a tragic car wreck, this daughter had a 5 month old little girl that was the apple of his eye. Papa has taken on raising this sweet little girl who is now 6. Papa is very protective of all his children and maybe a little overprotective with his grandchildren. So he always tells everyone he loves when leaving to “Watch out for Crazy people”. He never wants anything bad to happen to anyone. This is why we dearly love our dad, Papa T and Papa. He is the apple of all our eyes.”

Jay Hall
“If you can’t change your friends you need to change your friends”
(What my husband reminds our daughter)

Kirby Vance
“Hard work and always being honest builds character”.

Scott Jones
“Always tell me the truth, no matter how bad, because I will be the first to help you (my daughter)!!!!”

Bill Tennant
“If they don’t climb in the sheets beside you or pay your bills it’s a question of mind over matter!! I don’t mind because they don’t matter!”

Doug Smith
“If you need a helping hand, look on the end of your arm!”

Charles Lane
“The word “If” is always past tense, it can never be used future tense. Anytime you say “if” it’s over it’s already happened. “If I would have studied, I would have passed”. Too late you failed. “If I would not have been at the wrong place at the wrong time, I wouldn’t have been in trouble”. Too late, you’re in trouble. So whatever you do, keep from saying “if”, consider the consequences first. Life is full of choices, make one. But keep in mind whatever choice you make there is a consequence, whether its good or bad. So take a little time to think about your actions and the possible consequences before you make a decision.”

William Parrish
“Parrish’s never quit, we never give up. You can do anything you put your mind to because you are a Parrish.”

Steven Lowery
“Always count your time backwards so that you are never late.”

Jerry Lawrence Sr.
“Never have a payment that is more than one week’s pay.”

Edgar Best
“Do your best no matter what! You have to work hard for things you want, they do not come easy or free.”

Bobby Kasner
“Always listen and respect others. Respect others the way you want to be treated.”

Michael Grady
God gave you 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason. Meaning you will never learn anything with your mouth open. 2 ears so you can listen twice as much as you talk 1 mouth. He also says Remember to keep the main thing the main thing. And lastly he always says to all of us that “It is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. I am a senior at Rosewood this year and a cheerleader. My daddy has never missed one of my games. Him and mama have been married 25 years this year. My daddy will do anything for anyone. He will drop anything he is doing to help someone else. Even when he don’t feel good he doesn’t tell anyone because he wants to help people. Please choose my daddy he deserves something like this because he doesn’t have the means to get it himself. You would have 1 happy daddy who would tell everyone about BDC and all the other business’s. Thank you for considering my daddy Michael Grady.

Bruce Doughty
“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.”

Jacob Pollard
“Always remember who you are. This man loves his son more than life itself.”

Doug Rivenbark
“Anyone can hold the line when there is no fire.”

Otoniel (Tony) Lopez
‘You’ ll never know it if you never try! Comprende mende?’

Robert Radford
“It is not what you do but who you do it with; Spend time with each other.”

Jonathan DuBois
“This too shall pass!”

Mac Allen
“To never let anyone make you feel like you’re less than. To always be kind to people but never let anyone take advantage of you. And to always work hard for what you want and the things worth having are worth fighting for! I’m a daddy’s girl and he is someone I will forever go to for advice and support! I love him more then words can express!”

Willie Smith
“Being a male is a matter of birth, being a man is a matter of choice. Manhood requires the acceptance of responsibility.”
“The person who knows how, will always have a job. The person who knows why, will always be the boss!”

Jacob Pollard
Heck yeah man, let’s do this thing!

Al Gurley
“If you go right, you’ll never go wrong.”

Kevin Gardner
“My daddy always tells me he loves me. On the way to daycare he prays with me everyday and asks Angels to protect me. He is my best friend and we have so much fun together. When I don’t feel good, we cuddle on the couch, build a fire, and he always says, “Rest equals healing.” He always calls my mommy, “Babe”. We like to pick mommy flowers and give them to her because she is “our princess”. My daddy is the best. Now that I’m getting to be a big boy, daddy is teaching me all kinds of words. We have learned the alphabet and about Big Letters and Little Letters and what sounds they make. He knows a lot of words and I know he will teach me them, too.”

Marvin Littleton
“Fake it til you make it”

Thomas Nevins
“Never eat yellow snow” ❄️