Southeastern Cancer Care’s Cures for the Colors Gala and Reverse Raffle Update

Southeastern Cancer Care’s Cures for the Colors Gala and Reverse Raffle Update

Goldsboro, NC, March 1st, 2023 – Southeastern Cancer Care’s Cures for the Colors Gala and Reverse Raffle is off to a great start. Seats are filling up fast and the event is projected to be sold out. The Gala is being held at the Maxwell Center on Saturday, April 15th. Doors open at 5:00 pm and the event begins at 6:00 pm. Tickets are $60 per person and can be purchased at A ticket includes entry into the event, a delicious 3-course meal, a drink ticket, and entry into the reverse raffle with a prize of over $1,000. Dr. Samer Kasbari and Kate Daniels will be hosting the event. This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community and stand in support of those battling cancer.

Emma Barnes, Community Development Coordinator, said, “This is going to be an amazing event! Thanks to our generous community sponsors, the cost of the event has been covered. All ticket sales and money raised at the event will go directly towards helping cancer patients in Eastern North Carolina with basic living essentials while they battle cancer. Guests can expect a lot of fun, laughter, and maybe even a few tears as they learn just how much their support makes a difference in the lives of those literally fighting the battle of their life.”

Southeastern Cancer Care was founded in 2011 by the doctors at Southeastern Medical Oncology. They saw firsthand the need to support cancer patients financially as they battled their cancer diagnosis so that patients would not have to choose between treatment and basic living essentials. Southeastern Cancer Care is a 501 C 3 organization dedicated to providing gas cards, grocery cards, and help with utility bills and oncology prescriptions. 100% of the funds raised go directly to cancer patients and their families. Southeastern Cancer Care runs completely off monetary donations and volunteers’ time and resources.

Save the date for April 15th, 2023 and purchase a Cures for the Colors Gala ticket now at



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