Salvation Army Seeks Volunteer Bell Ringers & Angel Tree Shoppers

Salvation Army Seeks Volunteer Bell Ringers & Angel Tree Shoppers

(GDN) — As you head out to begin your holiday shopping, you’ll notice that familiar sound in front of many stores. 

The Salvation Army’s 2021 Red Kettle Campaign is underway with volunteers lining up to ring the bell and fill the familiar kettles during the season of giving. 

Capt. John Blevins with the Salvation Army of Goldsboro appeared on Jeff Farrow’s Morning Show on Goldsboro’s Greatest Hits.

He says this year year, they’re hoping to raise about $80,000 with the Red Kettles.

The funds raised help support the Salvation Army of Goldsboro’s operations through the entire year.

Capt. Blevins says they’ve had a 63% increase in families they’ve helped with housing over the past year.

Some of that increased need is due to COVID-19 as people have lost wages and employment during the pandemic.

To help out with the Red Kettle Campaign, visit, type in your Goldsboro area zip code, and sign up for one of the open bell ringing shifts near you.

Blevins says the Salvation Army’s Angel Trees are also out at stores around town.

Customers can adopt a name of a child in need off the Angel Trees and then shop for Christmas gifts for that child.

Further information on the Salvation Army of Goldsboro can be found at



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