N.C. Reopening Phase 2.5 Begins At 5 PM

N.C. Reopening Phase 2.5 Begins At 5 PM

Governor Roy Cooper is reminding North Carolinians and visitors to remain cautious and practice COVID-19 prevention measures over Labor Day Weekend. North Carolina enters Phase 2.5 Friday at 5 p.m., but key safety measures are still in place and mass gatherings are limited to 25 people indoors and 50 people outdoors. Governor Cooper reminded North Carolinians that the start of a new phase is the most important time to continue using key safety precautions.

“This virus is just as contagious and deadly on a holiday as it is any other day, and I want everyone in North Carolina to continue taking it seriously over the long weekend,” said Cooper. “We can find ways to celebrate safely and still protect our state by practicing the Three Ws – wear a mask, wait 6 feet apart, and wash our hands frequently.”

Governor Cooper strongly urges all people in North Carolina to practice the 3 Ws – wear a mask over your nose and mouth, wait 6 feet apart, wash hands or use hand sanitizer frequently.



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