WCPS Board Approves Monthly Salary Increase for Maintenance Staff

WCPS Board Approves Monthly Salary Increase for Maintenance Staff

Chair Leatham accepted a motion to untable an item tabled from November 30, 2022, which was a motion to use half of the unspent funds from maintenance vacancies to provide a salary adjustment for maintenance staff for the remainder of the year. He then rescinded his original motion made on November 30.

In an effort to make salaries more competitive and potentially reduce vacancies, Board Member Burden made a motion to essentially bump Maintenance staff up one salary grade level in order to help increase salaries for staff. Board Member West recused himself from the vote, which was unanimously approved by the Board.

Much discussion among Board members followed with questions to district leadership regarding the impact of such a motion and how future hires could improve themselves professionally to make a similar bump in salary grade level. After some debate about the wording of the motion, Vice-Chair Foucht expressed concern about the process being considered by the Board. He contended that the issue that the Board was attempting to address was specific to salaries rather than salary grade levels. He then proposed that the Board simply increase the monthly salaries for staff, and then create professional development opportunities for staff interested in moving to a higher salary grade level. While Vice-Chair Foucht initially suggested a retention bonus to allow time for the Board to determine the appropriate amount to increase salaries, Board members settled on a $260 monthly salary increase for staff which could be absorbed this year through available funds from vacant positions.

Board Member Burden withdrew her motion and noted that she wanted more information from the Finance Department before agreeing to any further motions regarding salary increases. Board member Henderson expressed concern about the perception of increasing salaries for one department over others. Vice Chair Foucht motioned to implement a $260 monthly salary increase for maintenance staff, which will be reflected in their February paycheck. Seconded by Board Member Sanders, the motion passed 4-2 [Voting in Favor: Joyner, Sanders, Vice-Chair Foucht, & Chair Leatham / Voting Against: Burden & Henderson]

